I woke up early on Saturday to run to the farmer's market. I didn't get anything too exciting, mostly the same old stuff since that's what's in season. I did find some really beautiful purple lettuce though so I bought that instead of the standard green. This was partially because it was so pretty, but also because usually the more colorful food is the better it is for you. Anyway, I went home, put everything away, and started to clean the lettuce. As I was in the kitchen doing this my husband woke up and got out of bed. His first words to me were:
Robbie: Looking at the lettuce: "That looks like something Voldemort would eat."
Me: "I've never known Voldemort to eat anything besides unicorn blood. I don't really think he's a salad kind of guy."
Robbie: "Well if he did eat salad he would use that lettuce."
Well, good morning to you too. I think this might be his way of telling me he prefers the normal green lettuce.
Voldemort's Salad |
Anyway, I also bought broccoli, green beans, white sweet potatoes, eggs, cauliflower, and some really cute tiny Brussels sprouts. Oh, and some apples. I used to eat a lot of apples, but cut back since they're pretty high in sugar. I started eating berries instead. Well, I really can't pretend berries are in season anymore so I'm back to apples. These are honey crisp and they are delicious.
In addition, I think I might be getting into the whole red wine thing. We've had a few bottles of Cote du Rhone that I've really enjoyed. I have no idea if that's a good red wine, or like the white zin of the red wine world, but I guess I don't really care.
Huh, I guess I never thought of what kind of food Old Voldy would eat. I doubt it would be salad though, he probably made his Death Eaters bring him small children to cook in his soup. He was a bad guy. Not a salad guy.